Saturday, September 29, 2012

A320-232, Thai Airways International, HS-TXD (MSN 5301)

A320-232, Thai Smile, D-AXAU, HS-TXD (MSN 5301)
F1:18 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB301A)
Delivered: 29 Sep. 2012, XFW-DXB-BKK (Call Sign THA8935, Hex:885304)

29 Sep. 2012 Thai Smile THD,WE HS-TXD
cs: Thai Smile   885304
Leased from: SMBC

07 Nov. 2014 Thai Airways International THA,TG HS-TXD
cs: Thai   885304
Leased from: SMBC

BKK - Jan. 2016 © Josef Garbasz

30 Jun. 2016 Thai Smile THD,WE HS-TXD
cs: Thai   885304
Leased from: Aircastle

01 Jan. 2024 Thai Airways International THA,TG HS-TXD
cs: Thai   885304active
Leased from: Aircastle

05301, HSTXD

Friday, September 28, 2012

A320-214, Allegiant Air, N206NV (MSN 5289)

A320-214, EasyJet, D-AXAL, G-EZWE (MSN 5289)
F1: 24 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB289A) in easyjet full c/s
Delivered: 28 Sep. 2012, XFW-LGW (Call Sign EZY9001)

28 Sep. 2012 EasyJet EZY,U2 G-EZWE
cs: EasyJet 406758
Leased from: CBA

HAM - Jul. 2015

02 Oct. 2020 Stored at LGW
30 Oct. 2020  Ferried LGW-MAD U29001
28 Mar. 2021  Ferried MAD-EMA U29009
08 Apr. 2021  Ferried EMA-STN U29006
cs: easyjet/Allegiant 406758

23 Apr. 2021 Allegiant Air
04 May 2021  Ferried STN-YYR-BGR-MLB N206NV
N206NV cs: Allegiant Air

04 May 2021 Allegiant Air
N206NV cs: Allegiant Air

05289, G-EZWE, N206NV,

A321-231, Sichuan Airlines, B-6957 (MSN 5303)

A321-231, Sichuan Airlines, D-AZAN, B-6957 (MSN 5303)
F1: 22 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB303A)
Delivered: 28 Sep. 2012, XFW-OVB (Call Sign CSC6957, Hex:780958)

28 Sep. 2012 Sichuan Airlines CSC,3U B-6957
cs: Sichuan 780958 active

05303, B6957

A319-112, Lufthansa, D-AIBJ (MSN 5293)

A319-112, Lufthansa, D-AVWA, D-AIBJ (MSN 5293)  
F1: 19 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB293A)
Delivered: 28 Sep. 2012, XFW-FRA (Call Sign DLH9876, Hex:3C644A)

28 Sep. 2012 Lufthansa DLH,LH D-AIBJ
cs: Lufthansa 3C644A
Name: "Lorsch"

XFW - Sep. 2012
FRA - AUG. 2013
HAM - 23 Oct. 2016

Dec. 2019 Lufthansa DLH,LH D-AIBJ
cs: Star Alliance 3C644A active
Name: "Lorsch"

HAM - 18 Feb. 2021

05293, DAIBJ

A320-216, Thai AirAsia, HS-ABZ (MSN 5283)

A320-216, Thai AirAsia, F-WWIH, HS-ABZ (MSN 5283)
F1 and ferried TLS-XFW: 11 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB01IH)
Ferried XFW-TLS: 17 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB02IH)
Delivered: 28 Sep. 2012, TLS-SHJ-BKK  (Call Sign AIQ5283, Hex:88045A)

28 Sep. 2012 Thai AirAsia AIQ,FD HS-ABZ
cs: AirAsia 88045A active

05283, HSABZ

A380-841, Thai Airways International, HS-TUA (MSN 87)

A380-841, Thai Airways International, F-WWAO, HZ-TUA (MSN 0087)
F1 and ferry TLS-XFW: 5 Mar. 2012 (Call Sign AIB01AO)
CFF: 1 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB088B)
Ferried XFW-TLS: 12 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB087D)
Delivered: 28 Sep. 2012, TLS-BKK  (Call Sign THA8936, Hex:8852A1)

28 Sep. 2012 Thai Airways International THA,TG HS-TUA
HS-TUA cs: THAI 8852A1 active

FRA - Mar. 2013

00087, HSTUA

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A320-214, Air Arabia, A6-ANL (MSN 5276)

Copyright Helmut Gröning
A320-214, Air Arabia, F-WWIM, A6-ANL (MSN 5276)
F1 and ferried TLS-XFW: 5 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB01IM)
Ferried XFW-TLS: 12 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB02IM)
Delivered: 27 Sep. 2012, TLS-SHJ(Call Sign ABY0998, Hex:89634A)

27 Sep. 2012 Air Arabia ABY,G9 A6-ANL
cs: Air Arabia 89634A active

05276, A6ANL

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A320-232, Super Air Jet, PK-SJK (MSN 5298)

A320-232, IndiGo, D-AXAQ, VT-IFD (MSN 5298)  (IGO,6E)
F1: 10 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB298A)
Ferried XFW-MST: 10 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB298B) for paint.
Ferried MST-XFW: 18 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB198C) after paint
Delivery: 26 Sep. 2012, XFW-DEL (Call Sign VTIFD, Hex:800719) 

26 Sep. 2012 IndiGo IGO,6E VT-IFD
cs: IndiGo 800719  
Leased from: Avolon

27 May 2021 Stored at HYD   VT-IFD
cs: 800719  

17 Feb. 2022 Avolon   OE-LCI

23 May 2023 Super Air Jet SJV,IU PK-SJK
02 Jun. 2023 cs: 
8A094F stored
PK-SJK Leased from: Avolon


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A320-233, Heston Airlines, LY-JAM (MSN 5296)

A320-233, Silk Air, D-AXAN, 9V-SLQ (MSN 5296)
F1: 14 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB296A)
Delivered: 25 Sep. 2012 XFW-SHJ-SIN (Call Sign SLK8880, Hex:76CD91)

25 Sep. 2012 Silk Air SLK,MI 9V-SLQ
lsd:TrueAero 76CD91

20 Mar. 2020 Stored at SIN SLK,MI 9V-SLQ
cs: Silk Air 76CD91

24 Sep. 2020 TrueAero 43EDCB 2-VSLQ
21 Aug. 2020  Ferried SIN-KHI-CAI-FNI 2VSLQ
13 Sep. 2023  Ferried FNI-VAR 2VSLQ

15 Sep. 2023 Heston Airlines

22 Jun. 2024 Heston Airlines

22 Jun. 2024 AZAL Azerbaijan Airlines
LY-JAM lsd:Heston Airlines
503D79 active

 Jul. 2024 © Wolfgang Kronfuss


A320-214, Air China, B-6918 (MSN 5091)

A320-214, Air China, B-520L, B-6918 (MSN 5091)                                                                         TSN  
F1: 11 Sep. 2012
Delivered: 25 Sep. 2012

25 Sep. 2012 Air China CCA,CA B-6918
B-6918 cs: Air China 7808C6 active

05091, B6918

Monday, September 24, 2012

A320-214, GX Airlines, B-8851 (MSN 5266)

A320-214, Hong Kong Airlines, F-WWIB, B-LPG (MSN 5266)
F1 and ferried TLS-XFW: 27 Aug. 2012 (Call Sign AIB01IB)
Ferried XFW-TLS: 4 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB02IB)
Delivered: 24 Sep. 2012, TLS-AUH-HKG  (780A52)

24 Sep. 2012 Hong Kong Airlines CRK,HX B-LPG
B-LPG cs: HK Airlines 780A52 

12 Jul. 2013 Hong Kong Express HKE,UO B-LPG
B-LPG cs: HK Express 780A52

07 Jul. 2017 GX Airlines (Guangxi Beibu Gulf Airlines) CBG,GX B-8851
B-8851 cs: GX Airlines 781207 active
Leased from: Changjiang Leasing

© nibrage

05266, B8851,

A320-214, Tianjin Airlines, B-1030 (MSN 5264)

A320-214, Hong Kong Airlines, F-WWIA, B-LPF (MSN 5264)  (CRK,HX)
F1 and ferried TLS-XFW: 2 Aug. 2012 (Call Sign AIB01IA) with updated c/s
Ferried XFW-TLS: 13 Aug. 2012 (Call Sign AIB02IA)
Delivered: 24 Sep. 2012, TLS-AUH-HKG

24 Sep. 2012 Hong Kong Airlines CRK,HX B-LPF
B-LPF cs: Hong Kong Airlines 780A4F
Leased from: Changjiang Leasing

26 Jun. 2013 Hong Kong Express HKE,UO B-LPF
B-LPF cs: HK 780A4F
Leased from: Changjiang Leasing

HK Express  A320  B-LPF
Jan. 2014 © PJ Hutt

14 Sep. 2017 Tianjin Airlines  GCR,GS B-1030
B-1030 cs: Tianjin Airlines 7812BA active
Leased from: Changjiang Leasing

Tianjin Airlines
Dec. 2017 © YuehCathay

05264, B1030,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A318-112 Elite, Business Aviation Asia (BAA), B-6936 (MSN 4732) ACJ Elite

Copyright Helmut Gröning 
A318-112 Elite, GCL-Poly Energy, D-AUAB, F-WHUK, B-6936  (MSN 4732) ACJ Elite  XFW
F1: 20 May 2011
Ferry XFW to Tulsa: 26 Aug. 2011 for outfitting.
Ferried 08jun12 TUL-XFW after VIP cabin config, as F-WHUK
Ferried to XFW: 22 Jun 2012 after paint
Delivered: 22 Sep. 2012, XFW-OVB, (Call Sign B6936) (7808F5)

ntu Al Jaber Aviation

22 Sep. 2012 GCL-Poly Energy B-6936
cs: special 7808F5

HAM - Apr. 2016

Oct. 2019Business Aviation Asia (BAA) BAA B-6936
B-6936 cs: special 7804D3 active

04732, B6936,

A321-231, American Airlines, N560UW, (MSN 5300)

A321-231, US Airways, D-AZAM, N560UW, (MSN 5300)
F1: 14 Sep. 2012 (Call Sign AIB300A)
Delivered: 22 Sep. 2012, XFW-BGR-PIT (Call Sign AWE9244)

22 Sep. 2012 US Airways AWE,US N560UW
cs: US Airways A728C1

09 Dec. 2013 American Airlines AAL,AA N560UW
cs: US Airways / American Airlines A728C1active

Nov. 2016 © D-OTTI
